Thursday, April 19, 2012


I’m Cindy Brooks, REALTOR, a Real Estate agent in the Middle TN area.  I was raised in the Real Estate business and have always loved it since I was a child.  But, my path to become a Renovator and Real Estate agent was a long one.  Since I was a child I have watched every aspect of a home being built and I know the steps pretty much inside and out.  Even today I’m in awe watching 2x4’s, decking, bricks and mortar turn into a home, but when I graduated in 1978, being a Builder or Real Estate agent wasn’t  a “female” thing to do.  So I went straight into the mortgage business and helped builder’s obtain their financing to build houses.

Through the years I married and raised 3 children, but always kept my eye on the housing market.  Eleven years ago, I helped a friend organize her closet and she told a friend who needed some decorating done, so I helped her and as I was working on this project, she asked me some questions concerning a structural problem in her foundation.  Once we resolved that problem, I became more involved with this type of work, and it has become one of my passions.  Before Jake and I knew it, we were doing renovations all over the city through referrals.
It dawned on me that I also needed to be selling these homes, so three years ago I got my Real Estate license and haven’t looked back!  I love my work and while swinging a hammer and hanging off a ladder may seem to be a little unusual for a 52 year old grandmother, it’s my job and I couldn’t ask for a better one.  My advice to others is to follow your heart, and don’t worry about other’s perception of you.  Remember that we aren’t living a “dress rehearsal”; this is our one shot to do what makes our heart sing.

Cindy Brooks, Realtor
Exit Realty Music City
348 Cool Springs Blvd, Suite 1-A
Franklin, TN 37067
615-499-9445 cell
615-807-1204 office

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